Friday, March 14, 2008


(Las Cruces, NM) We thought Boogie was doing better but he awoke at 3:45am with an upset tummy. He was throwing up and couldn't get comfy for hours. Darn, guess he's not out of the woods yet.

We didn't have anything scheduled for today and since none of the dogs were feeling very well we decided this would be a good day to start our spring cleaning. How is it that the RV is much messier now than before we started our cleaning?

Did any of you realize today was pie day? I'm sure many of you are baffled that you could have missed a day like that! I know it's something I didn't ever think I'd miss. But it wasn't that kind of pie day. It was PI day. Get it dad? You're the math major! For you non-math majors...what is pi? It's 3.14, March 14 is 3.14. Okay, enough of that!

Finally in the late afternoon, Boogie seemed ready to get up and move around a little bit. I decided to break out his most favorite toy of all time. It's a clear round ball that you put treats in and as the dog rolls the ball around, treats come out. The thing I don't like about the ball is that the openings are pretty big so you have to put pretty big treats in to keep them from all falling out in the first two seconds. Being that Boogie is so small he can get filled up really fast with such big treats. But I brought out the ball anyway.

The second that Boogie sees me getting out that ball he starts barking and screaming uncontrollably. Normally, he has to play with it in the RV which has about 20 square feet of open floor space - not much room at all. But today I took it out into the field in the backyard. I'd say it's probably 70 yards by 40 yards. He had a blast!

He ran from one end of the field to the other - barking the entire time!




He would push the ball with his nose....

...and punch it with his feet...

...and it would go zooming down the field in front of him.

Then he thought a better strategy might be to sneak up on it.

That didn't work either so he tried coming from the side.

He tried digging on it...

But that just made the ball go all...

...the way...

Down the field...


Well, I think you get the idea. He had a great time!

Five minutes later he was totally tuckered. His stamina is definitely not where it used to be - or should be.

It was a very quiet evening in our house...if you don't count all the sneezing. They made quite the choir!


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