Monday, March 10, 2008

Off to the Vet...Again

(Kingman, Tucson, AZ) We left Kingman really early in hopes we could get to Tucson in time to get Boogie seen by a specialist.

As we were driving I called the Veterinary Specialty Center to see if we could get an appointment for this afternoon. Unfortunately the specialist that would need to see Boogie only does appointments in the morning. So we made an appointment for tomorrow morning.

We had some very pretty scenery between Kingman and Phoenix. As you can see, Wazzu wasn't that impressed.

Slugger on the other hand was very interested...

...and of course he would be - he's our Navigator!

But by the time we got to Tucson, it seemed as though Boogie was worse. We just can't take any chances so we took him to the same facility but went in through the emergency department. It's much more expensive that way but we felt it was the responsible thing to do for our little puppy.

As it turned out, the specialist we were to see tomorrow was there doing procedures on other dogs. Another vet checked Boogie over as soon as we got there but they said if we could wait until the specialist was done with his rounds, he would be glad to see Boogie today. Of course we waited!

Long story short - they don't know what is wrong with Boogie. They took some blood to do some lab work...we'll get the results in the morning. They sent us home just saying to keep a very close eye on him. Little do they know - we watch him like a hawk!

So now we wait....some more.


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