Sunday, March 09, 2008

Chances...Five of Six!

(Henderson, NV) This weekend we were at an agility trial. The trial itself was extremely nice. The setting and scenery were beautiful beyond belief.

I guess we were kind of in a valley and there were beautiful mountains all 360 degrees around us.

There was no way I could capture the beauty with my camera. Too bad you can’t see my mind’s eye. Just take my word for it – it was very pretty.

We had sunny skies the entire weekend. But by late afternoon on Saturday we had 30-40 mph winds with some gusts that were even stronger. Many tents got blown away and totally ruined. Here you can see just some tent frames.

Tunnels that had four or five tunnel bags on them were blowing away like they were leaves. Too bizarre.

Sunday morning we had a very cold wind. It wasn’t until about 3:00pm that we could get down to sweatshirts. Before that it was coat and stocking cap weather. But the trial was so great, the people were great, and the judge was great so it still made for a really nice weekend.

Probably the thing that really stood out at this trial was the food! Since the trial was just on the outskirts of Las Vegas, they had the head chef from the Bellaggio feeding us breakfast and lunch all weekend. I’m not sure you can get much better than that! I tried really hard to get him to come live with us but unfortunately I didn’t succeed. Drats!!

The trial was held at a very nice park that had beautiful baseball diamonds, tennis courts, soccer fields, and basketball courts. And it was a very will used park. Since there were so many kids there, an ice cream man came around. Oh man, I heard that music from afar and I went right back to my childhood. I couldn’t help it….I ran back to the RV as fast as I could to get my money so I could run out and get some ice cream. Gosh, when I was a kid, I run into grandma’s house and she’d grab a nickel out of the jar and out I’d go for my ice cream. Somewhere along the line there’s been a little inflation! But I couldn’t help it, I had to get ice cream.

Oh, yes…we did do some agility this weekend too!

Mike had a really hard time concentrating as he was so upset about Skatt’r – as were we all. Sparkie ran really nice for Mike on Saturday. But Mike would have momentary brain lapses and that’s all it takes for Sparkie to do what she anticipates to be right. So while Sparkie was running great, they only ended up getting one Q out of six opportunities – just a missed contact here or then or Mike getting lost and sending her to the wrong place. I must say though that they really should have gotten a Weavers Q. It was the second to last run of the day and the wind was blowing so hard the tunnels were rolling across the field. When Sparkie ran it was super windy…she was doing her best and in one direction she had to weave straight into the wind. She worked so hard to do those weaves…she really fought hard. Then she came around and was doing another set when suddenly a SUPER strong gust came and literally blew her sideways right out of the weaves. Mike got her started over again but she missed time by two seconds. Poor Sparkie – she really was trying so hard!

Sunday was a little better for them in the Q department but Sparkie was getting really worried when Mike would be so disappointed when they made a mistake. So she started shutting down and was scared to even walk. Poor Sparkie. She is so soft…and Mike just can’t make himself stay happy when a mistake as been made. My heart really does go out to Sparkie.

Before all their runs they have a little strategy session. Sparkie is a very attentive student.

But when Mike's done talking she has plenty to say.

Her turn actually lasts a long time.

I'm not sure Mike listens to everything she has to say!

In fact, I think he bribes her to get her to be quiet!

Wazzu was a happy girl this weekend – especially when it was so windy! That makes her act all silly. So many people commented this weekend that Wazzu looked so happy – and isn’t that what it’s all about. No pictures of Wazzu as I haven't figured out how to run a course and take pictures at the same time!

Wazzu and I took turns making the mistakes. Saturday Wazzu missed a contact – and it was an expected one. When the dogwalk is the second to last obstacle she often leaves too early as she is in a hurry to finish. But the rest of the run was beautiful and FAST! Our only other non Q run of the day was Weavers. She was going super fast and I couldn’t get where I needed to be to let her know where to go. And the wind was blowing so hard that even though I yelled as loud as I could, nice and early, there was no way she could hear me. When she came out of the tunnel she realized it was wrong (but I was still happy as could be) and she got super silly. The wind was whooshing around, it was cold, and she started doing crazy dog. I loved it. I will take crazy dog on course over a Q any day. I truly love our crazy dog runs. The crowd was loving it too…which only fed her craziness. It was great – probably the best NQ of the day!

Of course the highlight of the day for me was that Wazzu got her Elite Chances Q today! It wasn’t the hardest Chances course I’ve ever seen but a lot of dogs had trouble with it. The second to last obstacle was a dogwalk (at a distance of about 25’) to a straightaway jump. I was holding my breath as this is the contact we are most likely to miss – but she got it! Yippee! (Poor Sparkie just barely missed the contact.)

Our Jumpers run was very interesting. We ran after dark – yup after dark. I asked the gate steward if I could run with a flashlight but she said no as that could be considered a training aid! Somehow Wazzu seemed to know the course as while I got lost (I have enough trouble remembering the course when I can see it!) she just kept going…with me running around behind her saying “oh ya, I guess you’re right – good girl! Wazzu Q’d easily despite the fact that her handler was running around in the dark with no idea where to go next. The judge had a great laugh and gave Wazzu big kudos.

Slugger’s day didn’t start until afternoon and he was in his nap time – he’d been sunbathing in the dashboard. That doesn’t make for a speedy Slugger. So while he did his Touch N Go course correctly he was two seconds over time. No dawdling in Open! But he too liked the wind and was very perky his next two runs. Get this…he got a Weavers Q (with a great time!) and a Chances Q. The two hardest classes for him. What a star!!

Look at him doing the A-frame at a distance all by himself!

Boogie’s day consisted of having the on-site vet look at him. His heart rate is still low and he is a bit lethargic. And the poor guy is sneezing constantly. I feel so sorry for my little puppy. He spent the day in the dashboard watching out the window.

At least he had a nice view.

Sunday morning started off really cold – just not all that pleasant. But Wazzu and Slugger really like it cool and windy so it was tailor made for them!

Sparkie and Mike had another rough day. They had some really pretty runs and also some runs where Sparkie got scared. They got really great Q’s in a Regular run, Chances, and Tunnelers.

They may have had a tough weekend but they had a really great Tunnelers run. What a beautiful setting for the Tunnelers course!

Here is Sparkie at the start line. I thought I'd show you this picture just because I thought it was so interesting that you can see the end of Sparkie's tail bone under her hair!

Sparkie was tearing around the course. On the flat....

...ducking into the tunnels....

...and really stretching out for the finish line!

Today’s Chances run was a real toughie. There was a switch away to a jump that was way the heck out there. While they were out there they had to do an A-frame way out there while you were on the opposite side of a dogwalk! It was crazy! After leaving the A-frame they had to do a jump that was a little further out (we’re still on the other side of a dogwalk). Then the dog turns and has to do four jumps. The problem is that the first three angle toward the handler but there is an off course tunnel the length of the middle two jumps. Of course the handler had to stay on the inside of the tunnel while the dogs were to stay on the other side and do the jumps. As you might guess, a large majority of the dogs took the tunnel. Those who didn’t take the tunnel still had another jump to do. That jump was set a little ways out and many dogs ran between the last jump and tunnel. How weird is that. But quite a number of dogs did that! It really was VERY challenging.

Wazzu loved the wind so she was quite happy again today. It didn’t hurt that I also had really nummy treats! Part of a cinnamon roll in the morning and a polish sausage with a bun in the afternoon. Mmmm, nummy!

You want to know who did the Chances course like it was the most simple thing in the whole world? Yup, my little Wazzu puppy! She truly acted like she didn’t need me out there as she knew the course. What a good girl! Too bad she didn’t know the Jumpers course all by herself. I got totally lost (on a Novice course!) and it wasn’t even dark today! No excuse…I just plain got lost. That was our only NQ of the entire day. Wazzu was a star today – and was extremely happy about it too! Good girl Wazzu puppy.

Slugger had a mixed day. He ran super well in his Regular run. But it was a hard course for a Novice dog. I think Wazzu was the only “novice” dog to Q. I would expect her to be able to do this but I think every other dog in the whole class took the wrong end of this one tunnel – and sure enough that’s what little Slugger did. But other than that it was great!

Next was Jumpers. Mike had just had a disappointing run with Sparkie. So when he took Slugger to the line he didn’t have much enthusiasm. I don’t know if Slugger picked up on that or what but when Mike released him at the start line, he just stood there sniffing the ground. This didn’t please Mike so he just picked Slugger up and off they went back to the RV. Poor Slugger.

So I decided to run Slugger in his next run which was Chances. I wasn’t at all confident as the challenge for the Novice dog was the row of jumps on the opposite side of the tunnel. Slugger doesn’t like being away from us and he loves tunnels – so this truly didn’t look promising. But I figured we’d have fun anyway. He started a little slow but after the third obstacle he really picked up his speed and was having a lot of fun. I truly about fell to the ground in shock when he took the jumps instead of the tunnel. And then he did the last jump instead of running between the jump and tunnel. He did it! He did it! There was a large Novice class and only two dogs Q’d. Can you believe that little Slugger was one of them. Wow, he doesn’t even have an out command and he went out to the jumps. I still can’t believe it. As you might imagine, he now got some of the nummy polish sausage and cheese! I don’t think he had a clue why we were so excited and happy but he did enjoy the treats!

Hoopers was the last event of the trial. Sorry to say this but I really don’t care for Hoopers. I love the strategy part of it – I just hate running it with my dog. I think it is a very demotivating game. Just when the dog gets going you have to have them screech around, which Wazzu hates as she thinks she made a mistake. Even if you design the best possible course it’s still very herky jerky. There really is no “best” course. Don’t get me wrong – we do Q in it often. But even when we get the Q, my dog doesn’t act at all like she enjoyed it. It may be totally fine for a lot of dogs and a lot of people. But I try to do things my dog likes. And while I enjoy the strategy of the game – my dog (neither Wazzu or Sparkie) doesn’t like the game. Why do something my dog doesn’t like just because I like it. That doesn’t seem right to me. It’s all about fun – for me dog first and me second.

Boogie had another rough day. The poor guy isn’t feeling well at all. His sneezing is getting worse. He’s having a lot of trouble breathing as there is just too much stuff blocking his airway. We were hoping he’d be better today but it’s just not the case. If he’s not better by the time we get to Tucson tomorrow then we need to get him right in to see a vet.

When the trial ended today about 5:00pm we quickly headed off to Kingman, AZ. We’re not going there for any reason other than it’s a place to stop for the night between where we started from and where we are headed.


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