Sunday, March 02, 2008

They Come in All Sizes

(Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ) Last night was long for all of us. Poor little Skatt'r has some body parts that aren't functioning quite right. When we arrived he had a touch of diarrhea but not too bad. However, last night he was up night...which meant so were the rest of us...especially Mike. Then this morning the poor little guy threw up in addition to his other hourly problem. He is still spunky though...but the rest of us aren't feeling so spunky after very little sleep. We've got a lot of extra laundry to do now and one carpet is just going straight into the garbage! But that's no big deal...we just hope that Skatt'r is going to be okay.

Border Terriers were first up this morning starting promptly at 8am which was no problem for us! While I looked for our handler, Mike took Skatt'r to Billie. I was getting worried as it was 7:53 and our handler wasn't here yet! But just a couple minutes later she came running up, grabbed Boogie's number as she ran off saying that she promised to be back in time. I got worried (so what's new!) but sure enough she was back in time to take sweet little Boogie into the ring.

This isn't the best picture of Boogie on the table but I included it because you can see five little borders waiting for their turn to go into the ring. Mike is holding one of them (Alison's dog) - and not even watching little Boogie! Mike probably thinks he's holding Boogie as he can't tell any of them apart. Tee Hee.

Like every other day, Boogie won his little class and got to go up for the points. Doesn't he look great.

Once again he showed very nicely!

And once again he didn't win. So sad. But at least the points went to someone in the "family." Boogie's cousin won the points and finished his Championship so our breeder is very happy today.

The weather has been so nice since we got here and I haven't had a chance to just hang out and watch at all. So today we rushed down to the agility area to check on Skatt'r and say hi to a couple friends. What a show! There are four agility rings with a total of 459 dogs entered each day. Now that is quite the undertaking.

We only stayed about five minutes but in that time we ran across lots of people we know. There were six or seven professional photographers there taking action shots of the agility. I thought it was interesting to see the way they decorated their wing jumps.

From there we quickly made our way back to the car. On the way, I snapped a few shots. I so wish I could have taken more but once again my mind and my body don't agree. Unfortunately the body wins out.

This cute "little" guy just wanted to cuddle.

Mike got a huge laugh...once again. These dogs were all facing me so I grabbed my camera and as I put it up to my face they all turned around. Mike was rolling on the ground laughing and said I had to include this what seemed like purposely timed maneuver. Once again, another butt shot! Big sigh.

What a cutie. But I must admit this guy looks like he'd rather be cuddling.

Here's another big breed we came across - the Scottish Deerhound.

You think these are big dogs. The Irish Wolfhound is even bigger. Sorry I didn't get a picture of one of those for comparison.

They come big, and sure enough, they come small as well. I'm not really a small dog person but I think this may be a Pomeranian.

And this tiny little guy might be a Chihuahua.

Just as we were leaving we came across a ring where the English Bulldogs were showing.

This guy wasn't in the ring yet and he was very interested in Boogie. The two wanted to play but needless to say we couldn't allow that at ringside. Mike told the lady holding this cutie that this is a face only a mother could love. I don't know about that.

This guy got really interested when we gave Boogie a treat so Mike offered him one as well.

He acted interested but Mike tried four or five different treats and this guy spit every one of them out. Our dogs will all eat garbage so this was amazing to us!

There are literally hundreds of grooming tables like this all around the grounds. The groomers will rush off to do other things and just leave the dogs on the tables. The dogs all just sit there so patiently never making a peep. I just can't see Sparkie ever doing this!

Since it was warm today, we made an afternoon trip to Cold Stone. The worker at this location was much better. Our ice cream today was super good! I got enough hot fudge to make me really sick.

It is so much fun to have a beautiful agility field with all the best equipment for Boogie to practice on each day. He is doing so well. I'll be really sad to leave here as we won't have any place to practice again for quite some time.

It was a busy afternoon and evening here as many people (a couple of them from the USA World Team) came to practice things they'd had trouble with at the trial today. It was very interesting to get to watch a little of their practice sessions. Too bad my legs weren't up to more as I probably could have learned a lot this week if I'd been able to watch all their sessions.

But I did learn that Boogie and I have a LONG way to go. I probably have much more to learn than Boogie! Heck I can't even figure out which way is Left and which way is Right!

Off to study!!


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