Friday, March 07, 2008


(Lake Havasu, AZ, Henderson, NV)

Not knowing is so hard.

Boogie isn’t back to normal and now he has more symptoms. I spent a little time on the internet trying to be my own detective. All I know for sure is that I’m very concerned about my little guy. I don’t know what to do for him – I don’t know if there is anything I can do for him.

This is not the happy you face you’ve seen in all the other photos I’ve posted of him. He looks so sad. I miss my happy go lucky puppy.

I'm also terrified for my friend Billie and her little tremendously sweet little puppy, Skatt'r.

To help clear my head a little bit and give me some time to try and think, I took Wazzu for a little walk before we had to move on. There are some beautiful trails here. Unfortunately they are all up very steep hillsides. Mike and Sparkie did those hikes and said the views were just beautiful. But since I couldn’t go, there are no pictures.

The only thing Wazzu and I could really do was walk up the dry wash.

The hills around with the sun on them were a red color.

There were some pretty views here too but nothing like what Mike and Sparkie experienced. The hills were covered with little yellow flowers.

Down in the wash there were some pretty little flowers as well, of various colors.

I don’t have a clue what they are but they brightened my day for a few minutes anyway.

This guy followed us for a while but since I was walking Wazzu, not Boogie, I wasn't worried at all.

As we were leaving the wash, Wazzu picked up a stick. I don’t know what it was about this stick but she carried it with her as we walked all around the park for close to an hour. At this park everyone sits outside and shares their fishing stories with each other. I think everyone here fishes but us. Anyway, every single one of them made some sort of comment as we walked by with Wazzu slowly plodding along carrying her stick.

Remember when I told you we couldn't see the lake from our RV. Well, it turns out that wasn't exactly right. Here is the view out our kitchen window. See that tiny spot of blue under the trees - that's the lake!

We arrived in Henderson, NV (just outside Las Vegas) mid-afternoon. By the time we arrived, Boogie was sneezing to beat the band and each time he sneezed muck went everywhere. He's not a cuddly little guy at all but this evening he's wanted to cuddle a bit. I'm so sorry he doesn't feel well...but I must say I enjoyed cuddling my little guy. I hope it made him feel a little better.

As the evening wore on we finally got word about Skatt'r. The distemper test came back negative. While they still can't rule it out, it is highly unlikely that is the problem. Unfortunately they have no idea what is causing all these problems. And even worse, he is not better at all.

Our hearts go out to Billie during this extremely difficult time. I just wish I could hug her and Skatt'r and make everything better. If only I could....


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