Friday, March 28, 2008

Fun Run

(Scottsdale/Cottonwood, AZ) Boogie was all excited for his agility lesson with Billie this morning…until he got out of the car and realized how hot it was. I thought Wazzu was a wimp in the heat - but Boogie takes the cake. Nine o’clock in the morning and he just runs over to the shade of a tunnel and lies down. We were just doing one obstacle exercises and he’d run over and lie down in the shade between each exercise.

(See, I really am wearing shorts early in the morning!) Look at my little buddy driving toward the obstacle with enthusiasm.

I learned a lot about teaching discrimination and individual obstacle performance and I can tell you we have a lot of work to do. Boogie’s little mind really had to think this morning. I’d say out of 20 tries of different exercises he only got it right once. He was so determined…to do it his way. We kept trying to set the exercise up so that he’d be successful but the darned little guy kept going way out of his way to do the wrong thing. We’ve definitely got a lot of work to do!

Then it was time to head up to Cottonwood for an agility trial. It’s a good 20 degrees cooler up here than it was down in Scottsdale. The dogs are all happier but it’s back to jeans and long sleeve t-shirts for me!

When we arrived they were in the midst of a two ring fun run. One ring was a Novice Regular course and the other was an Elite Jumpers course. Of course Mike ran Sparkie in both rings - and she was great!

I decided this would be a great place to let Boogie try his very first fun run. The main goal was to see if he could pay attention to me in the ring versus running out of the ring to play with all the dogs that were ringside. Before going in I warned everyone that he may zoom out of the ring to play with their dogs.

In hindsight, I sure wish I would have had this on video - or at least some still photos. Boogie was PERFECT. He did every single obstacle correctly, he ran with a lot of speed and drive, he did his "lefts" and "rights" like a pro, and best of all he never once lost his focus on me or the course. And there were a great group of people supporting us when we finished. I am so excited! Funny, this morning I was so discouraged and now I'm definitely optimistic.

Then it was our turn to try the Elite Jumpers course. This looked really hard - as it should for a novice dog! He was great! He did some really hard moves and only once did he turn right when I said left - but he didn't go off course, he got right back on track and finished the course perfectly. Wow, he is one smart little puppy!

I know he has a lot to do I. But I think with some good instruction and a lot of time on equipment, he has the potential to be a great agility dog. Now if I can just learn to be a good handler!


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