Monday, March 03, 2008

It's Over

(Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ) We awoke to super cold weather and very strong wind. It was not pleasant at all. When we got to the show, tents were blowing away and things were blowing everywhere.

Normally people are meticulously grooming their dogs trying to get every hair in just the right place. Well let me tell you that was just not possible today. Hair was blowing in every direction. In fact, Boogie's ears were both straight up in the air like Doberman or German Shepherd ears.

I had planned to do some shopping today at the vendors as there a few things I wanted. But the wind was blowing so hard that the vendors were all packing up and moving out. It was only 8:30 in the morning and it was like mass exodus!

There was a really cool old stage coach that they had decorated with flowers. I noticed it the first day and wanted to take a picture of me and Boogie next to it. I didn't have my camera with me the first day, the second day I didn't go to the show, the next two days I didn't wear a shirt that would look good with that background, so today I finally remembered, dog, good shirt. But wouldn't you know, the wind was so strong that all the flowers were blown over and people were huddling next to it trying to get out of the wind. So much for my picture!

The show went the same way today for us at it had gone all the other days. A real bummer. Even though we knew not to expect to win anything with this "hairdo" it was still really disappointing as we should have had a dog that was really in contention.

Oh well. It's over. Now Boogie can finally go swimming....except now we're in the desert. No ocean around here. Ha ha. It's always something!

We used moments here and there throughout the day to do some agility practice with Boogie. He's really enjoying it but we have a lot of bugs to work out.


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